
Bricks Media


Everyone knows what a successful brand seems like, but creating a new brand that chimes with the public are challenging to say the least. Our well-known Digital Marketing agency in Thane, Bricks Media, with their years of experience to offers advice on how to go about it.

To build a brand effectively, we need to study and analyze its industry competition and create a unique plan for its strong branding accordingly.

7 Rules For An Effective Branding Are As Followed:

1.Start with a competitor research
2.Less is More
3.Work to be Unique
4.Communicate your brand message
5.Design to catch the eye
6.Follow consistency
7.Identify Your Buyers Persona


Before launching a brand or business type in the industry, you need to know, who your competitors are? What are they practicing? Rate their branding? What about them is attracting the audience? etc.

Setting a baseline with competitor research before you get started is one of the most crucial things you can do to establish a solid branding design foundation.

Make a list of your top 10 competitors through Google search. It is crucial to pay attention to what your top competitors are doing. When you know what already exists in the market, you’ll be able to help your designer create something truly outstanding. This process helps in the creative brainstorming process


A lot of designers tend to get carried away when working on branding design. Adding more design elements doesn’t always make for better outcomes. Many times, branding that is overdone can reduce the message you’re trying to get across.

That’s why your branding should try to convey as much as possible in a simple design.

Branding doesn’t have to scream about the industry or the company. Branding design is often more effective when these things get implied adequately.


It may appear like common sense, but we notice problems with copycats all the time. When doing brand research, it’s okay to gather inspiration from the competition. However, that inspiration mustn’t pass the line in plagiarism.

Your branding must be unlike anyone else in your industry. Take the time to recognize the elements of your competitors’ designs that motivate you and list them separately so that they can be compiled, and allow your company’s freakish character to glow!


Your branding design requires you to communicate the brand’s message clearly with your ideal customer. It is a vital part of effective branding.

Remember that your brand is way more than just a logo; it is everything that describes your company. It’s developed from a story about your company and what it stands for—colors, images, logos, typography, slogan, etc. Your brand story/message should be conveyed throughout each creative action you take, whether it be an ad campaign or a new website design.


Your branding needs to stand out from your competitors and also stand out visually. You should try and create eye-catching branding that gets people to stop scrolling through news feeds or to pay attention when your video ad plays.

The way consumers communicate with brands online has changed. Test your branding with the scroll test. Does it make you want to stop scrolling across your desktop news feed? How about mobile? If your branding blends in with the rest of the noise, consider adding a design element that will help capture the attention of online users.

There is also an effective way that will help you obtain attractive branding creatives which will make your brand stand powerful.


When working for the best growth of your business and trying to create an active presence online might be very time-consuming. And for effective branding with following all the required measurements, consistency is a must. Consistency helps in building good engagement with your customers. Consistency is the key to success. Many times, you face issues in this, so to have easy and improved branding, you can connect with the best digital marketing company in thane. Who will take care of all the branding aspects your brand needs to stand out in the market?


So how do you obtain your Ideal Buyer?

Modern designers use something called buyer personas.

A buyer persona is a semi-fictional portrayal of your ideal customer based on analysis and data about your present customer. This report outlines a variety of specific information:

  • Age
  • Income
  • Job Title
  • Location
  • Interests/Challenges
  • Wants/Needs
  • Goals
  • Buying/Shopping Behavior
  • And other relevant information

Be as specific as you can when creating your buyer persona, as you’ll be using it as a guideline for many of your branding design choices. Each company will have many ideal buyers. These personas can be completely different, so how do you create something that will work for all of them?

Know if your branding is not resonated with the buyer, whether or not the client likes it. It still won’t be effective when it comes time to sell.

For a complete guide on, how to create your buyer personas? You can connect with an expert digital marketing agency in thane, which will make it easy for you to work precisely.

Now that it is clear for the effective branding rules and if you are still stuck with something, feel free to talk with our expert in effective branding, Bricks Media, one of the leading Digital marketing agencies in Mumbai.